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ADDRESS: Inside the Yantai Fukai Electromechanical Compound, 240 meters northeast of the intersection of Dehui Road and Nongxiao Road, Zhifu District, Yantai City, Shandong Province
An industry standards alliance was established only three years ago, but it has organized or participated in the preparation of 52 standards, including 10 national standards, 15 industry standards, 19 local standards, and 8 alliance standards. It can be called China's security industry. The "king of standards", It is the Shenzhen Security Industry Standards Alliance. A few days ago, the reporter visited the alliance, what he saw was exciting.
Shenzhen is the birthplace of China's security industry. At the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, it was the "golden period" for the development of the security industry in Shenzhen. The threshold was low, profits were high, competition was low, and large and small security companies were everywhere. "The past was 'many and small, many and full'. "Zhang Yi, Secretary-General of the Shenzhen Security Industry Standards Alliance, used these six words to summarize the characteristics of Shenzhen security industry. He further explained that "many but small" means that Shenzhen has a large number of security companies and is the largest in the country. However, there are few security giants such as Huawei, ZTE, and CSST. It is generally small companies with only a few dozen workers.; "Many and full" means that Shenzhen's security products involve many categories and complete industrial chains, which constitute the distribution center and production and manufacturing base of national security products.
The extensive development made Shenzhen security companies once "crazy" and the number exceeded 4,300. Due to the lack of innate standards in the security industry, companies are reluctant to invest in product research and development, resulting in uneven product quality and complaints. In order to change this passive situation, in November 2011, the first industry internal force dedicated to the research, formulation, application and service of safety and security industry standards, the Shenzhen Safety and Security Industry Standards Alliance, came into being.
Immediately after the establishment of the Standards Alliance, experts, scholars and technical personnel of enterprises were organized to hold targeted seminars in accordance with "priorities". The names, scope of application, overall structure and main technologies of domestic and foreign relevant standards such as alarm devices for financial, water supply and power supply systems and construction of parking lot facilities are discussed in depth, so as to prepare for the pre-bid. At the same time, they go deep into the vast number of enterprises to conduct research, find out the crux of the problem, and carry out special training on the "basic concept and operating process of good enterprises" to comprehensively improve the level of enterprise management; Sign cooperation agreement with Shenzhen automatic chemistry association and Shenzhen high training center to promote the construction of high-quality personnel in security industry. In order to better serve the company, in December 2012, with the promotion of the Standards Alliance, the Shenzhen Smart Security Industry Association with more than 1,000 members was announced. It provides a series of specialized and comprehensive supporting services for enterprises in product testing, talent docking services, financial services, market development, enterprise training, and management improvement. Under the coordination of the Standards Alliance, the National Safety and Alarm System Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center(Beijing) Shenzhen workstation, product testing laboratory and security public service platform website have been established. A large number of security enterprises, under the guidance of the staff of the association and the alliance, have "upgraded" the production process and other software and hardware against the standards, and use the market as a lever to force enterprises to adopt advanced standards.
The Shenzhen Safety and Security Industry Standards Alliance attaches great importance to organizing enterprises to lead and participate in the formulation of standards. In the past, the domestic standards for audio and video standards have always been the standards of the Ministry of Radio and Television and the Ministry of Public Security. However, due to the long time it has been formulated, these two standards can not meet the current production needs. To this end, according to the actual situation in Shenzhen, they organized Huawei company to take the lead in formulating new audio and video standards. Although the new standard is a landmark, it is stricter than the national standard and has been recognized by domestic and foreign customers. After being adopted by the majority of security companies, the market share has increased significantly.
In the field of high and new technology, whoever sets standards has the right to speak. Adhering to the purpose of "winning by quality", where there is a standard gap, where is the main direction of the Shenzhen Security and Industrial Standards Alliance. In the past three years or more, the alliance has formulated or participated in the formulation of 52 various standards. Among them, 8 have become national standards, 1 has become an industry standard, and 3 have become local standards in Shenzhen. At the same time, 8 standards formulated by the alliance have all been issued. With the implementation of the new standards, the overall quality level and industry competitiveness of Shenzhen security products have been greatly enhanced, and on this basis, it has formed its own unique innovative ecology of production and research that is deeply integrated with the IT industry. Different types of security products have been developed, ranging from security access control systems and alarm systems to biometric technology, video monitoring, identification systems, and monitors; From home and building automation communication systems to smart home equipment and home safety systems; From the integration of social security systems to fire safety equipment and services. Shenzhen security companies with excellent technical backing in the wind and clouds of business battles, so far more than 50 companies listed and proposed to be listed. According to incomplete statistics, in 2014, Shenzhen's security industry completed an output value of 131.6 billion yuan, a growth rate of 12.9 %, and more than 60 enterprises with annual sales of more than 100 million yuan; Among the top 100 security companies in China, Shenzhen has 49 seats. At present, in the bidding for domestic security projects, Shenzhen enterprises are full of strength, with a winning rate of more than 70 %; The export of Shenzhen Ang also accounts for half of China's security product exports.
In order to align the country's "Belt and Road" strategy, Shenzhen Anxi will be helped to "go out" more smoothly. In 2013, the Standards Coalition reached an intention to cooperate with the Israeli standard-setting authorities. In October this year, they will organize a delegation of Shenzhen security enterprises to visit and visit Israel, with a view to making use of Israel's technological research and development advantages and Shenzhen's production market advantages to carry out international cooperation and achieve strong cooperation. In the interview, we were also informed that the next target of the Standards Alliance's "standard open road" is Turkey at the intersection of the Eurasian continent.
The outstanding achievements have enabled the Shenzhen Security Industry Standards Alliance to win the respect and trust of the majority of member companies and related departments. It has also enabled Zhang Yi, the secretary general of the alliance who is bent on standard work, to win the reputation of "dedicated to Saburo" among his colleagues in the industry..
2019-10-30 00:00:00
The new security pattern has emerged, and a new era of security and e-commerce has arrived.
On August 13th, supported by the Shenzhen Safety Prevention Industry Association, Beijing Jingdong Century Trade Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Arnie Digital Technology Co., Ltd. jointly organized the 2015 Jingdong An Defense and Recruitment Chamber of Commerce, which was held at Shenzhen Airlines International Hotel. The leaders attending the meeting were Ouyangzhe, General Manager of Xiamen Xinda Co., Ltd., Zhangboce, Director of IT Digital POP Open Platform of Beijing Jingdong Century Trade Co., Ltd., Zhuang Chenpan, Chairman of Xiamen Xinda Property Association Technology Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen International Trade Hengrun Business Fair Co., Ltd.. Vice General Manager Chen Litingyi, President of Shenzhen Arnie Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and other leaders. With a total of more than 300 representatives from well-known manufacturers from Shenzhen and surrounding cities, they talked about the security of the e-commerce ecosystem and imagined the future. The atmosphere of the venue was warm and there was no shortage of seats.
At the meeting, Xiamen Xinda general manager Ouyangzhe made an opening speech. First of all, he thanked the guests for coming. He believes that in recent years, e-commerce has made rapid progress and has become a development direction that all industries need to face. Internet + security industry can bring new energy to the traditional security industry. How to rely on the third-party e-commerce platform in Jingdong, using the advantages of its existing customer base and platform influence, so that the upgrade of the security product model is the ultimate purpose of this recruitment Association.
The Shenzhen Security Association strongly supported the event. President Yangjincai stated in his speech that the Association wanted to plan the new future of the industry together with the e-commerce platform in the early years. He congratulated Jingdong and Arnie on their cooperation and hoped that they would cooperate sincerely. To make greater contribution to the development of security in China.
Subsequently, Jingdong IT Digital POP Director Zhangboce, IT Digital Smart Network POP Manager Yaoshuo, and Lijinping, the head of the crowdfunding project, respectively elaborated on Jingdong related projects. Their wonderful speech made the participants deeply understand the achievements of Jingdong since its involvement in the field of e-commerce, and the advantages of Jingdong Security's e-business, so that the participants reflected on how to strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises and establish an e-business development strategy to open up a new marketing model.
During the meeting, Chenpan, deputy general manager of Shenzhen International Trade Hengrun Business Assurance Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Xiamen International Trade Holdings, introduced the business factoring business for small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain financial support of Internet + security demand.
The reporter learned from the introduction of Wang Min, deputy general manager of the security service division of Xiamen Xinda Property Association Technology Co., Ltd. that Xiamen Xinda and Arnie figures have made a deep analysis and deployment of the development of e-commerce and security. This paper puts forward a new security business model of "security product + service" to build a high quality security service ecological chain. The SITA Security Services Division launched the first domestic "e-security" professional security service platform for Internet + security services. The promotion of this platform can eventually enhance the user experience of online purchase of products by users of security products. At the same time, it can promote the sales of products on the line and the promotion of sales volume of Jingdong Security.
Wonderful evolution ushered in live bursts of applause, and participants in the live interaction. During the period, the three colleagues of Jingdong Mall answered questions with the audience on the advantages of the POP platform that the audience paid attention to and the proposed operation strategy of Jingdong's security products. Shizhiqiang, general manager of the security service division of Xiamen xinda association technology Co., Ltd., made numerous solutions on the topic of the "E an gang" security service platform that everyone paid most attention to. He mentioned that the platform provides a one-stop service and pays attention to service awareness, talent training and scientific management. At the same time, it will bring about a wider industrial application by giving play to Xiamen Xinda's extensive physical foundation and Arnie's digital security industry resource advantages.
At the end of the event, Jingdong, Xinda, Arnie, International Trade Hengrun's related leaders and security automation, science and technology daily, CPS Zhongan Network, China Public Safety Magazine, ITS Smart Traffic Magazine, Smart Security Network, Global Security Network, Security Market News, Tianan Network, Pacific Security Network, Huaqiang Security Network The media reporters in Hong Kong have conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on issues such as security and e-commerce development and long-term plans for service platforms. In the meantime, Zhuang Shaoting, chairman of Xiamen Xinda Property Co., Ltd., and Litingyi, president of Shenzhen Arnie Digital Technology Co., Ltd., have all imagined and planned the strategic cooperation and development vision with Jingdong.
The meeting ended in a happy and peaceful atmosphere. Through this activity, it can be seen that the e-commerce of the security industry will be a gradual process, and this time, it is only the beginning.
2019-10-30 00:00:00
Since the beginning of this year, with the world economy still complex and volatile and China's economic development entering a new normal, the machinery industry has achieved steady development. Statistics show that from January to October, the machinery industry completed a total investment of 410.283 billion yuan in fixed assets, an increase of 0.74 % year-on-year. From January to September, the total import and export volume of the machinery industry totaled 47.683 billion U.S. dollars, down 4.89 % year-on-year, and the cumulative import and export trade surplus was 80,668 billion U.S. dollars. In the first nine months, the total profit of the machinery industry was 1.14 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.43 % year-on-year, which was 7.09 percentage points higher than the industry's year-on-year growth rate of 7.09 percentage points, slightly lower than the national industry's 0.95 percentage points.
The trend of falling investment in fixed assets increased from January to October, and the total investment in fixed assets in the machinery industry reached 410.283 billion yuan, an increase of 0.74 % over the previous year, a drop of 0.8 percentage points from January to September, a drop of 2.33 percentage points from January to June, and a drop of 10.36 percentage points from January to March. Lower than the national and manufacturing 7.56 and 2.36 percentage points, respectively. In that month, October was the month with the largest year-on-year decline in fixed asset investment in the machinery industry, down 6.48 per cent, and down 5.23 per cent from August and September growth. In the 13 major industries combined by the machinery industry, the investment scale continues to expand, the industry investment growth rate slows down year-on-year, the industry contribution rate varies greatly, and the investment concentration of small industries is high.
2019-10-30 00:00:00